Free critical menstruation studies resource!

The world’s first ever handbook of critical menstruation studies has been launched… What is more, it is free to access online! In the first two months it has already been downloaded over 400K times… Who knew that people who menstruate were so interested in finding out more about their bodies and political rights, eh? Check out the launch video below…

Access the whole thing here-

Or my specific chapter ‘PMS and the myth of the irrational female’ here-


Here’s the formal blurb:

This open access handbook, the first of its kind, provides a comprehensive and carefully curated multidisciplinary genre-spanning view of the state of the field of Critical Menstruation Studies, opening up new directions in research and advocacy. It is animated by the central question: ‘“what new lines of inquiry are possible when we centre our attention on menstrual health and politics across the life course?” The chapters, diverse in content, form and perspective establish Critical Menstruation Studies as a potent lens that reveals, complicates and unpacks inequalities across biological, social, cultural and historical dimensions. This handbook is an unmatched resource for researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and activists new to and already familiar with the field as it rapidly develops and expands.

Originally published at



Menstrual Matters

Check. Track. Manage. Take control of your health by understanding how it relates to your menstrual cycle.